Review of Indigenous

Indigenous (2014)
31 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
There is a trend in horror movies these days that I absolutely abhor; action in near total darkness. "Indigenous" follows this trend. Virtually every scary or creepy thing happens in an irritating blanket of impenetrable shadows. It's not intriguing. It's not immersive. It's iritating as Hell.

The plot is played out to death, and formulaic. A group of party-hearty twenty-somethings goes somewhere that they know virtually nothing about because they think it's cool. Group experiences creepy events. Group panics and bolts into the darkness. People fall. People trip. The group splits up. Members of the group are killed by a mysterious creature one by one as they become separated. Members of the group promise other members that they're going to be all right. "We're going to make it out of here, I promise." "I won't let anything happen to you, I promise." Maker of said promise is the next to die.

Lather. Rinse. Repeat. This movie is so predictable that you can pretty much call out who is going to die, and when, where, and how. The idiotic decision to shoot and present this film in near total darkness doesn't help set the mood, unless the mood that you're looking for is to feel increasingly irritated with the movie.
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