Decent documentary with a couple issues
4 August 2021
I decided to buy this documentary both because I'm a huge fan of Bright Sun Films and because I'm a hardcore roller coaster enthusiast. I have had a huge interest in Jazzland/Six Flags New Orleans in the past and I couldn't pass this up when I found out it was being made.

Closed for Storm is an expertly made documentary with absolutely stunning drone footage of the abandoned park and the surrounding area. The cinematography is on point and the interview segments are very well done. I greatly enjoyed the storytelling of how the park was designed, built, operated and ultimately destroyed, and the historical footage provides a glimpse of the past and complements the interviews perfectly. Once we get to the Hurricane Katrina section it did tug on my heartstrings, with the footage of flooded homes, blazing fires and livelihood in ruin; I really felt for the people of New Orleans even though I was fairly young when the hurricane actually hit. I enjoyed the accounts by previous employees as well; they gave life to the park in a way that I had not considered before. This park employed hundreds of people and served as an escape for thousands in the area before Mother Nature came to remind everyone who was in charge. The soundtrack is also fantastic and it gave me chills on multiple occasions. I was really impressed overall by the documentary and I'm glad I pre-ordered it, if only to support one of my favorite YouTubers with his filmmaking endeavors. This documentary does not feel like an extended Bright Sun Films video, by the way - it's its own thing.

However, I do have a couple of issues with it. Number one is length - I feel like the documentary could have been 30 minutes shorter had some of the cinematic footage been cut; the footage of the theme park is great, but I found that there was a ton of unrelated footage that padded runtime and made the film unnecessarily long. At times I felt that this footage even took the place of a story, as it cut in at seemingly random times. This also goes for a few snippets of interview; although the vast majority of interview footage was necessary and interesting, there were a couple of times that I questioned if what I just heard was really needed to effectively tell the story.

This leads to my second issue, which is the story itself. The first half of the film is fantastic; it's essentially a chronological retelling of everything that happened with expertly filmed drone footage, historical video and interviews with people involved in the development and operation of the park. However, at about the halfway point or a little after, it started getting a bit messy. The timeline became unclear and it started getting into the nitty-gritty of two separate redevelopment plans that weren't ever finalized. Although this portion of the documentary did express how complicated the whole situation is and how indecisive the City of New Orleans is, I don't entirely think it was necessary to get into such detail with both of the plans; I think it would have been better to simply highlight any and all plans that have been proposed and/or rejected and make the documentary far shorter, ending it on a much stronger note than what was actually achieved.

Overall though, Closed for Storm is great. It's filled with breathtaking aerial footage of the abandoned park and interesting interviews that tell us the story of the development, operation and ultimate downfall of Six Flags New Orleans. The documentary does a superb job at conveying this through a mix of cinematic shots and urban exploration footage, similar to what you'd normally see on the Bright Sun Films YouTube channel. The urban exploration footage is very neat (although most of it was filmed at night with a flashlight for some reason) and I'm glad it was included as a supplement to the film. For the first attempt at a documentary by filmmaker Jake Williams, Closed for Storm is fantastic and I'd highly recommend checking it out.

PS: It would've been cool to see footage from on top of the rides or climbing up them, but maybe Jake is saving that for his YouTube channel ;)
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