Farewell to the wise king in the circus
4 August 2021
Amaro is at the center of the story.

Crime and criminal, action-packed style detective series focused before the 10. Season in Svu. From Season 13 Intense stories focused on solving the main source of the problem began to be told. That's why we started seeing more courtrooms, more laws, lawyers, prosecutors, consultants, ambassadors and civil society representatives.

Now, we come across the darkest moments of the gray area.

Amaro's story is also one of the darkest gray areas.

Amaro is iconic in the story as a police officer. The black policewoman who was shot at the hot moment of the incident, the black child, and the people who caught the incident on camera and reacted are also symbolic.

The conflict scene in the Introduction; Amaro's effort to save the child, who saw him shoot a boy. In the last scene, the image of the child waiting in the court with his family in a wheelchair behind Amaro... All these scenes are images that tell the story.

In a hot conflict, Amaro does what is necessary. Complies with the laws, follows the procedures. However, it is charged with many question marks visible to the eyes. He gets caught in the middle of a circus filled with hot and sensitive topics such as hate crime, police brutality, excessive force, use of weapons, and fighting. Mistakes and misfortunes follow each other.

The worst hasn't even hit yet... Representatives of new legal regulations and those who feel excluded demand a blood price. You'll understand what I'm talking about when you watch it.

Everything is like trying to balance on a thin wire. A continuous action-response standoff ensues. The bullet of the gun, which could never be found, explodes in the nearest place to Amaro.

Amaro has to react to every influence in this environment. As soon as his voice is not heard, he gets angry and shouts. This results in even greater racial effects.

The representative of the civil peoples here is Father Curtis. He is the spokesperson for the family and black citizens.

Only 30 seconds of jury and Amaro dialogue will solve this huge circus show.

In the midst of all this noise, a big wise wolf will say goodbye quietly.

When I watched it for the first time since season 13, Although Munch and Cragen were the main characters, they made little appearances. I've always been surprised by this. It turns out that they have been in the law and order universe for a long time. When I watched the old episodes, I saw that they came out less. I learned later that he, like Munch, has existed in the law and order universe for a long time. Cragen is even a head from the first Law and Order.

Munch and Cragen carried the flag from the first Law and Order to Svu. They were a sage and inquisitive from tradition. Now they are handing over the flag they carry to the newcomers. Munch chose Amaro as his heir, Cragen chose Olivia.

The "And Dan Florek" opening scene will no longer be visible. In my opinion, such a short farewell to so much wisdom and experience in the Law and Order universe is not enough. The universe of Dick Wolf and Law and Order (1990) and Law and Order Svu (1999) owes a lot to him. I think could have made a special episode for Cragen.
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