Not funny at all
5 August 2021
Exactly what kind of person remembers yellowface fondly and considers it "not so bad"? Plus, what kind of person actually thought this was funny AS a kid? As a ten year old when this came out, I thought it'd be a fun dinosaur film. Dinosaur? Yes. Fun? No.

Upon rewatching recently, I probably "got" more of the slight adult gags here and there, but it didn't improve the overall effect. And then, again, the yellowface was just too much. Jeez, it's 1975 and Bruce Lee was well known; Chinese people can act as real people!! But, then, it's taken Disney up to a few years ago to slowly shift their weird representation of other cultures in their animated films.

Still, a minor film to be sure and not one to whine about changes (for the better) in our culture. Avoid unless doing serious research into cultural history.
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