Frank Tashlin Himself Hated It
6 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Frank Tashlin wrote a book in 1946, ostensibly for children but actually a social satire, about a bear who hibernates inside a cave in a forest during the winter. Unfortunately, while he hibernates, the forest is torn up and a factory built in its place, and the bear emerges from his cave into the factory. But when the bear identifies himself as such, the factory foreman disbelieves him and calls him a silly man wearing a fur coat and needing a shave. The bear is taken to the foreman's various bosses all the way up to the president, who says the same thing.

Not bad art-wise, with good settings and characters and expressions and voices. But overall the cartoon is overlong and heavy-handed, and hardly funny. The book's author was himself displeased with the cartoon, which he thought conveyed the message poorly. He was right.
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