7 August 2021
J. Lumley is absolutely an engaging host with a theatrical flair which is expected because she's a seasoned actress and presenter. For the average person, this is a once-in-a-lifetime trip. It's an exciting travelogue that features fantastic landscapes, truly memorable places and interesting people.

Via Egnatia that begins in Durres and ends in ancient Constantinople, Cappadocia with its hundreds of caves akin to "termite mounds," modern Baku, Kashan and the charbagh that's the Fin Garden, the ancient Persian capital of Isfahan with its huge square known as Naqsh-i Jahan, Yazd which is the most beautiful desert city, and Tamerlane's Samarkand.

Lumley's interviews with local interesting people give depth and color to her show: young wine producer Shota Lagasidze in Kakheti, Iranian actor Bahram Kadan, silk producer Lamara Bezshash in Magaro, pop star Rayhon in Tashkent and the lovely couple Valeri and Maro Vibliani of Kichkuldashi up in the Caucasus mountains.

It's rare that you come across a show like this that explores the ancient Silk Road and the rich history behind it told by a sprightly 72-year old presenter.
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