It's pretty difficult to find a quote to headline here . . .
7 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
. . . since the bozo whose b-l-o-v-i-a-t-e-s the pathetic sorry excuse for LAND OF THE MAYAS' narration (Wikipedia and Google define this 9-letter b-word as the sort of empty, prattling pompous illogical speech originated by America's Pachyderm Political Party to obfuscate the fact that all of its "core supporters" share a genetic defect making them superb targets for demonic possession; it is pretty suspicious that the spell-checker bots for this page do NOT recognize it as as a legitimate verb!) weighs down every phrase of his vicious voice-over hatchet job with condescending, demeaning dismissive nonsense in an attempt to belittle, disparage and slander "the flock of confused semi-pagans" whose hospitality he so blatantly abuses.
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