Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Captive Pursuit (1993)
Season 1, Episode 6
Predator-esque Episode.
8 August 2021
This is a Chief O'Brien (Irish actor Colm Meany) centric episode. He is in almost every scene and shows his real acting chops, developing his character extensively in this episode.

Imagine a culture where hunting a person is ritualistic, honorable and involves chasing each other through the cosmos. That's the essence of this episode.

DS9 is exciting as a sci-fi series because it is right next to a wormhole (stable) connecting one quadrant of space with another very distant (and never before seen or explored) quadrant. In any given episode the most amazing and unique characters can pop out of the wormhole and into an episode. Exciting for the writers, exciting for the actors and exciting for the audience.

Cosmic principles: Do we as a culture ever glorify the idea of dying an honorable death?
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