Review of 1BR

1BR (2019)
Gripping, intense and all round great movie.
9 August 2021
I have read a lot of reviews on this movie prior to watching and am starting to think that people just give bad reviews for the hell of it.

Having never been inducted into a cult I can't speak from personal experience however I believe this movie is pretty close.

The performance by Nicole Brydon Bloom as Sarah if outstanding and delivers similar depth and range as that of Sissy Spacek in Carrie or Jamie Lee Curtis in Halloween. She truly is an underrated actress and a future scream queen.

That being said she did not deliver this great movie single handed. The supporting cast were also superb adding to the uneasy tone the movie sets and keeps throughout. Special credit to Clayton Hoff and Naomi Grossman who despite very few lines in the movie have influential roles in the character curves.

I can understand that this movie is not for everyone but, if you like a well thought out story and a steady pace of build and a anxious feeling throughout then this could be for you.

1BR is without a doubt under discovered and had this had a large theatrical release would have been a roaring success. Having found this by chance it has quickly jumped into my top horrors of recent memory and easily the best horror I have seen this year.
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