A Low-Budget German Zombie Film
10 August 2021
This rather strange film takes place in Germany right after World War II with a farmer finding an extremely large skull buried in the middle of his cornfield. After examining it closely he sustains a deep cut on his hand which then causes him to scream out in pain. The scene then shifts to a year or two later with a young woman named "Maria" (Judith Gorgass) delivering food to a medical clinic where a young doctor by the name "Robert Holzlein" (Florian Kiml) works and just happens to be in love with her. Realizing that her step-parents would be extremely upset if she were to become romantically involved with him she gently rebuffs his flirtations and goes about her business with her next stop at a local American military base nearby. As it so happens, one of the young pilots by the name of "Captain John Welles" (Siegfried Foster) also has feelings for her but once again she brushes off his advances and heads back home. However, everything changes when the body of a young woman is found in the woods which unites both Dr. Holzlein and Captain Welles in their efforts to find out what happened and protect Maria at all costs. Now rather than reveal any more I will just say that this was a low-budget film which suffered directly as a result with incredibly bad dialogue, bad acting, poor costumes and laughable portrayals of American soldiers. On a side note, I should also mention that having an American Army general directly in command of Air Force pilots isn't something that happened very often--especially in the scenario depicted in this film. Be that as it may, it really didn't matter that much as the film itself simply wasn't that good and for that reason I have rated it accordingly.
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