the only horror satire that matters
12 August 2021
If you're here reading the reviews i need you to think critically here. None of these negative reviews even THINKS of considering what a satire is. "oh there's too much sex" "oh theres horrible continuity, a character comes back from the dead, etc" "it's too cheesy" "the acting is so horrible" blah blah blah THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT ITS MAKING FUN OF!!! THATS THE POINT!!! A random person off the internet shouldn't have to explain this to you, but here goes!!:

-There's so much sex because old slashers have unnecessary amounts of nudity in them!!!

-There's horrible continuity because old slashers are bad movies that often have horrible continuity!! Why did Jason keep coming back to life? Literally for the sole purpose of making money, people.

-It's so cheesy because if it wasn't, people wouldn't understand that it's a satire! AND EVEN NOW people STILL fail to recognize what satire even is.

-The acting is so horrible because THAT'S WHAT PULLS THE WHOLE THING TOGETHER. There is no way bad actors would be able to sell these characters as well as this cast did. ESPECIALLY the character Doug. He's the perfect example of good actors intentionally pulling off bad acting for the sake of pulling a film as "bad" as this one is off.
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