A Taut Thriller
12 August 2021
"Cloak & Dagger" is a well crafted cat and mouse thriller, featuring a boy with state secrets hidden on a video game cartridge trying to elude bad guys. He is helped by his imaginary friend along the way, but his imaginary friend metaphorically dies as the boy loses his innocence from the real death and tragedy around him as he is forced to mature. But his father assumes, or reassumes, the role of mentor and helper by the end of the film.

A nice story which paints fathers in a positive light, echoing their importance to children -- a theme not often seen. Another interesting aspect was the independence of the children, they wander all over unattended, something not seen so much today. Also, the filming was excellent and featured the novel and beautiful locale of San Antonio Texas, note the Alamo and River Walk especially.

Overall, a good entertaining movie with a positive message that our boyhood notions of guns, guts, and glory are not entirely founded in reality, sometimes heroes are just everyday people like our fathers, and spy games and violence are not so fun in real life. I would recommend: 8/10.
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