The Pretender (1947)
"Hello, Claire! I Have A Surprise For You!"...
12 August 2021
Unscrupulous fortune hunter, Kenneth Holden (Albert Dekker) loses big in the stock market. Luckily, he has a beautiful, rich client named Claire Worthington (Catherine Craig) from whom he can "borrow" the money to cover his debts.

Eventually, Holden decides that it would be in his best interest to simply marry Claire.

Oh no!

Claire's already engaged to someone else! No problem, Holden hires someone to "take care" of loverboy. Holden's life gets very complicated when something wholly unforeseen occurs.

THE PRETENDER is a tale of gangsters, greed, and homicide. There's a thick atmosphere of darkness augmented by a Theremin soundtrack. Dekker is superb in his desperate, despicable role...
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