Black Widow (2021)
Saw this today with my 11 year old son
13 August 2021
My son liked Black Widow. I think his appreciation for the video comes mostly from how many shots are fired and how many explosions there are. I have more complex views to evaluate.

I thought this was the worst Marvel video out of the dozen or so I've watched. I blame it all on the director.

There were many scenes where the camera was in way too tight. It was difficult to follow the action to even get a sense of which of the two fighting was winning or not.

This video would have been much better if I had seen the Marvel comic behind the story. The video did not do a good job of standing on its own. It was difficult to figure out the overall story.

Even though my son enjoyed the movie even he spoke up a few times saying nobody could live through some action scenes. Do super heros feel pain? Do they heal a few instances after being badly beaten?

There were a few good Marvel sized action scenes. Way too many frames devoted to non-action.

To me the movie was a disappointment.

The best thing about this move was my son and I spending time together.
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