Joker (2016)
Good and Sensible
13 August 2021
I just recall the movie, Mandela that I watched recently and a new one compared with Joker I find that after those five years the society is still unchanged. Mandela also portrays the same issue like Joker yells to tell and when time goes on the issues will go deeper and deeper for sure. Raju Murugan is a promising director who startles me with his debut one Cuckoo which talks about a love story. When he shifted his path like a mature and a proven director he just comes up with a strong political subject which was the exact opposite of his first one. Joker also draws a similar picture like Mandela; also talks about the problems associated with the bureaucracy, with the legislation, with the government, and more than that with the people who always stay silent when any issues come up. You know, when we connect Joker with the current social scenario, the main reason for Modi's second way to get the power lay around a motto that he formulated on his first tenure. And that motto was "Swachh Bharat". It led a new light in front of the poor people resides in the rural areas of India. 'Swachh Bharat' directly concerns a hygiene society and more than that it ensures all sections of the society for better Bathrooms and toilets. In Joker, Mallika also wants a toilet. She finds toiletless in Mannan's house and that's why she rejects his proposal. But when Mannan applies for the toilet, Mallika approves him and they both get married. It is the central issue and subject matter for the film but apart from that element the movie also deals with a lot of issues that we pointed earlier. The title on the one side parallelly worked for Mannan because society marks him as a madman or some kind of a lunatic but when the movie approaches its end we get the idea that Mannan is not the Joker but the entire society is. Joker is a good political film from a good and sensible director.
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