I Shouldn't Be Alive: Perfect Storm (2012)
Season 6, Episode 6
Good episode with high tension all the way
21 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Easily one of the strongest episodes. The drama is not overacted. All scenes depict what actually happened and how they experienced it. The 3D graphics are also very good here as they just need to depict scenes at night. We also get many talking heads which is a plus. The tension is just high because it's a dangerous situation, they are injured and cold and floating in all directions.

It is a hectic episode. There are a ton of stories and frankly it's impossible to keep track of all these people without even getting good introductions to them. You just see a bunch of White people floating around and some find each other by luck. In a movie one of them would be Black/Latino. In modern movies one of the leads would be a woman too. You don't really have such varieties in real life stories. But overall this could instead be solved by showing us a map of where they were. That would have made this episode really amazing. Instead it's a fun mess with a ton of action and tension.

This is another fast rescue so there is not much surviving here. A ship comes and rescues this helicopter crew. There are no plans and not much time to even make plans or figure out what to do. They just float around. So as a survival story it's one of the softer ones. But overall there is some good info about rescue operations, helicopters and storms. Which is crucial info if you want to understand what all those helicopter pilots who can't help out in the other episodes are thinking. It's extremely dangerous to fly in stormy conditions.
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