Review of Blackmark

Blackmark (2018)
I lived through this time in our history
21 August 2021
I am glad to see someone finally address this and the obvious role of John McCone head of the CIA. . I was only 14 when JFK was murdered but the moment I saw the Zapruder film I knew we were being lied to. If you watch the film, when he's shot with the kill shot, his head goes up and back. That just doesnt happen when shot from above and behind. He had to be shot from the front, likely from below. Interesting that there is a tunnel from the grassy knoll to a drain in the street just in front of where he was shot.

McCone hated Kennedy because he said he would ake the CIA apart into 1000 pieces. The CIA was closely affiliated with the Mafia since WWII when they shared info on Europe, The Mafia hated him because he let them down on the Bay of Pigs invasion where they planned to take back Cuba for their casinos. The Federal Reserve *the money) hated hem be cause he was going to dissokve them. So McCone had Carlos Marcella, the crime boss of New Orleans orchestrate the hit and then teamed up with J. Edgar Hoover, who hated Kennedy because he thoaughthe was soft on communism , to cover it up.

Was Johnson in on it? Where did it happen? Dallas Texas where LBJ had just been governor. Johnson hated Kennedy because Kennedy looked down on him as a redneck Texan.

So JFK pissed off too many people who kill people for a living and it cost him his life. Our country has never fully recoverded from that.
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