The F.B.I.: Center of Peril (1971)
Season 6, Episode 17
Pursuing the crooks to the mountains of Kansas City!
24 August 2021
The TV show "The F. B. I." was filmed in California like most American TV programs. But unlike most other television dramas, this show was supposed to take place all over the USA....not just Los Angeles. Occasionally, this caused problems...such as in "Center of Peril", which is supposed to take place in the area around Kansas City...a very flat portion of the United States. But later in the show, you'll see mountains...just like the type you see around L. A....and which are many, many, many miles from Kansas City! I don't blame the show entirely about this...they could only rarely afford to take the time to leave the area and the furthest I remember them going was to film in Sonoma County, California....about 8 hours north of L. A..

When the episode begins, two thieves break into an art museum and steal an expensive Frans Hals painting. Unfortunately, there are not a ton of buyers for stolen art...after all...who are you going to show the artwork to? And even more unfortunate for the crooks, the guy who was going to buy it has since died. So the mobster working as the go-between (Vic Morrow) decides it's best to sell it back to the museum....for $750,000.

Here is where the F. B. I. Get more involved. Inspector Erskine agrees to pose as an art expert who is going to authenticate the painting....and the crooks arrange to meet him, blindfold him, and take him to the painting. But there is a of the crooks knows Erskine personally!! What's next? See the show...but I should say that the ending of the episode is super-creepy, as you see a helicopter chasing Vic Morrow...a man who later in life was accidentally killed by a helicopter. Ironic,, huh?

This is a very good episode. While I hate seeing Erskine pose as much of anyone since he might just be discovered since he IS a famous agent....and having him caught in this one actually made the show a bit better and more realistic. Well made and well worth seeing.
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