Doctor Who: The Two Doctors: Part One (1985)
Season 22, Episode 7
Not good
24 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Another misfire from the Colin Baker era, one that never really gels despite some fine ingredients; it's a far cry from THE FIVE DOCTORS, there's no denying that. This one's chiefly of interest for seeing Patrick Troughton and Frazer Hines coming back for one last time as the Second Doctor and Jamie respectively, and while there's fun in that premise, they don't get to do much. Poor old Troughton suffers in particular from spending his screen time strapped to a couch and then donning ridiculous ginger eyebrows in the last episode. The story is pure satire and has random cannibalism elements which don't work in a kid's show and Jacqueline Pearce gets wasted too as a stock villain. Peri is more sexualised than ever in her costume and Baker just comes across as brash. Not good!
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