About Us (2020)
Stunningly heartbreaking film.
25 August 2021
I thought it was stunning. At first it takes you on a journey that you're unsure of why the couple are doing it. It alludes to the breaking up of the lead couples marriage. (There are only three characters in the whole movie). Then things begin to unravel and you understand why they felt the need to re-explore their relationship in the place they spent their honeymoon years before.

It's more than just a man/woman thing. I found myself identifying with both characters in many ways. I can understand why the film-makers don't give too much away, as the ending absolutely broke me and my partner. It really forces you to remember to love and how to deal with heartbreak. I actually think this film has a really important and lovely message. I told my partner how much I loved them over and over after watching it. Bravo!
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