Broadchurch: Episode #1.6 (2013)
Season 1, Episode 6
I Am Not Saying Anything More Until I Have Seen My Dog
26 August 2021
So Walder Frey is dead. A meaningless death. Hardy takes an interest in the Vicar now. Taking his DNA. The Vicar makes a good point. 'You do not get to belittle my faith just because you have none.' Advice for the ages. In other words, mind your business. +1 Star

Hardy, who really to me is an ugly character, continues to hide his apparent medical condition.

Tom got Danny's skateboard. From the DOG LADY!!! We knew it was her all along!!!! The POLICE rush the DOG LADY'S HOUSE!!!

It's good to see Tom and his wife and daughter reconnecting as a family unit. Dog Lady refuses to cooperate until she gets to see her DOG.

Okay and they get what? A tip that the cliff house is/was being broken into and they go there alone?? Just Hardy and Miller? And a chase ensues? Okay that was incredibly dumb. Dumb Dumb Dumb, -1 Star

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