Its Bite Night In Russia's Capital City, But Its Not President Putin...This Time!
27 August 2021
Guardians of the Night? You should stock up on garlic cloves, holy water and wooden stakes...because these guardians will get you killed! :) The hero (if you can remotely call him that) has no skills, self defense training, abilities and absolutely no common sense whatsoever...he is a complete idiot!

Still I would probably watch this film again...possibly, sometime, maybe...!?

Its a low budget supernatural fantasy with lots of thrills and spills and non stop action, the combat scenes are acted out and filmed superbly; the actors all do a very good convincing job also. The CGI special FX are simple yet very impressive for a B-Movie budget.

The only negative side to this worth while watchable 'Fang Banger' is the post shoot choppy editing at times, and the lack of a natural flow to the story. I'm sure this is probably due, mainly, to lack of a larger budget of Rubles and a script versus film directors wanderings.

One reviewer has said that this is too similar to the "BLADE" vampire film('s). It is nothing like anything of the Blade genre (unless you think vampires running amok in a nightclub scene - as happened in Blade - makes it so) because the hero of this film is neither a Vampire, a day-walker or anything supernatural; he's not even a warrior! His only use in the film is that he is able to feel, and sense, the presence of anything supernatural.

So there you are! Its not a Fan(G)tastic film but its not a Fan(G)kless waste of 1hr:37mins either.

Fan(G)k-you for reading and enjoy it for what it is!
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