It's a rather boring let-down
27 August 2021
Don't get me wrong, Jason Hawes is personable and I like his style. But this suffers from poor production values, shaky camera and weird camera angles (how many buildings need to be introduced from the bottom up with tiny clouds whisking past, behind it?! Too many dark images in the reenactment in which we can't see squat. The worst flaw? NOT. SCARY. AT. ALL!!! This would benefit a lot from hiring the cinematographers from "Mysteries at the Museum". They know how to light a show to make it interesting, not just "watchable". And they need better reenactments. The people interviewed are too low-key, they put me into a stupor.

The reenactments are pretty much no-existent. One woman sitting in a mist, looking at flowers. Ok. Was that supposed to scare me? You don't need the over-the-top "ghosts" such as that child actress with black around her eyes who stares at the camera looking smug. That's overkill. But just create the mood. FCOL, this is called "Most Terrifying"! Even Jason, who could look like a tough guy with his head clean shaven and goatee, speaks with a sweet, kind demeanor a low-key voice. *YAWN* I tried to watch all 5 of them that aired back-to-back this morning and I found myself so bored, I started doign other things around the place when the commercials came on and, eventually, never really got back into it, except for the final one and it was boring AF.

And now it's a lot worse: Ghost Adventures. If they won't sack Zak, it's time for me to change the channel!! Memo to the TrCh: more of the Paranormal Survivor and Scariest Night of My Life and My Horror Story and Extreme Paranormal Witness and Haunted Hotels and those kinds of shows (but kick up the spook factor a notch please: more atmosphere, and spooks jumping at you) and less ghost hunting shows. We know those are fake than fake: Zak has been exposed many times. It's time to let him go!
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