Review of Cass Timberlane

Despite Spencer Tracy and Lana Turner, Cass Timberlane was a little uneven
28 August 2021
Until my mom decided to check this out from the library, I didn't even know of it. Spencer Tracy and Lana Turner are a judge and a, well I already forgot if Lana was even working for living when they met which was at a trial in which she was on the stand defending someone. They get along well early on and there's quite a few charming scenes with them at a baseball game she pitches on while he plays the umpire. There's also a cute cat who Spencer keeps despite his allergic reaction to him. Then the pic devolves into some melodrama that proves too much for me and makes the ending a little unbelievable. It's also a bit too long at a little under two hours. Still, I say give Cass Timberlane a look if you're a fan of either or both.
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