Review of Superdeep

Superdeep (2020)
Would like to see the original film with subtitles rather than this mess.
28 August 2021
Review based on the english dubbed version on Shudder.

Hard to judge this film properly given how bad the dubbed dialogue was. Terrible, at times nonsensical, dialogue all delivered by pretty bad, generic voice actors for all of the supporting cast.

That along with that the editing isn't great. Lots of odd pauses and scenes shot with someone talking off screen or the back of somebody's head, I guess to hide some dubbed dialogue. Then some scenes drag on for ages, how many shots of the helicopter flying over the sea do we need to see in one sequence, while at other times it seems like you've skipped a scene.

The effects are fine for the budget, you can see that fur parker hoods don't work with the green screen and when the helicopter lands in the snow it manages not to disturb any snow at all, but you can forgive things like that if the film is involving.

I just found it all quite dull and distracting, lots of comparisons to John Carpenters The Thing but that seems more like marketing to get you to watch it.
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