Review of Demented

Demented (1980)
You'll Be Demented To Watch This - B.A.F. 1-2-Miss
28 August 2021
Greetings and salutations; welcome to my review of Demented 1980

The story gets a 1 out of 2: The Direction and Pace receive a 1.5 out of 4: The Acting gets a 0.75 out of 2: And, my Enjoyment level hits a 0.25 out of 2:

Giving Demented a maddening 3.5 out of 10:

I say maddening because the premise for this story remains a splendid one. It's a shame the director, writer, and leading lady weren't up to par.

It would have made a thought-provoking and darkly entertaining movie. Regrettably, the writer, Alex Rebar, lacked the skill to structure the story, and script authentic characters and situations. Due to their failings, we get lots of uninteresting dead space with unrelatable characters speaking dire dialogue. What the audience is expecting is a breakdown of a woman's mental health into madness. But what we receive is far less absorbing. Instead of feeling sorrow and pity for Linda Rodgers, who has suffered through a brutal gang rape, I felt anger at her whiny voice and ridiculous outlook on life.

The most destructive element of the film is Linda's (Sallee Young) voice. Her shrillness and churlishness are more irritating than nails on a blackboard. It's a bummer because Young isn't too bad in insane killer mode. But you will have to suffer many aural discomforts to reach these scenes. I came close to hitting that beautifully quiet off button. Alternately, I muted the annoying lady to a whisper.

Add to this a lacklustre direction and a sluggish pace, and you produce a tediously annoying film. And though there are a few scenes in which Arthur Jeffreys structures and lights them perfectly, they are sadly not enough to make this picture worth watching.

If you're looking for a psychological chiller killer of a flick, then this is not for you. I would suggest that should you get a chance to watch this movie opt to watch paint dry instead. Much less irritating.

Come on over to my Chiller Thriller Killers, and The Game Is Afoot to see where the Demented one resides in my charts.

Take Care & Stay Well.
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