30 August 2021
DARKER THAN NIGHT opens with the death of an elderly woman, witnessed only by her cat.

Ofelia (Claudia Islas) is the old woman's niece, and will inherit her enormous house, land, and fortune. The only stipulation is that Ofelia must keep the cat, named Bequer. Ofelia and three other women (Lucia Mendez, Helena Rojo, and Susana Dosamantes) move into the mansion right away.

The women are met by the stolid, sour-faced maid, Sofia (Alicia Palacios). When Bequer makes his appearance, he begins to act in an odd manner. Mysterious events soon occur- unexplained property damage, disembodied moans, etc.

With this movie it's all about the building atmosphere of gloom and uneasiness. Most of the true, more overt shocks happen toward the end.

The all-female cast is fantastic! Not only beautiful, but able to carry the film without a "leading man". This is pretty rare in the movies from the 1970's...
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