See: Brothers and Sisters (2021)
Season 2, Episode 1
Solid Start For Season 2.
31 August 2021
See Season 2 immediately plunges viewers into Baba Voss's journey to rescue Haniwa. What ensues is a heap of graphic violence and brutality. The creative fight choreography continues to shine in See and I'm excited to see what following episodes bring in the action department. Along with Baba's return is his brother Edo with Bautista adding another imposing figure to the ensemble. I'm exciting to see what happens with Voss and Edo in season 2.

On other fronts we follow Maghra and Queen Kane as they settle in a new city causing friction with a few new interesting characters in the process. Maghra's and Kane's story feels the most GOT's and House of Cards in terms of "political" storytelling and where it might lead. In my opinion the relationships introduced and conflicts the characters find themselves in are a bit cliché. I found myself to be bored the most during Kane's speeches and her conversations with Maghra and new characters alike. Hopefully the writers find ways to surpass my expectations in following episodes.

Haniwa finds herself in a precarious situation and she is still the most interesting protagonist out of the two kids. Her relationship with a new character will be interesting to see how it blossoms.

The cinematography also continues to be gorgeous with lush landscapes and epic drone shots.

On the negative side of things I do feel like the writers are struggling to find something interesting to do with Kofun. Anything involving him is boring and Archie's performance continues to stand out as wooden compared to the rest of the cast. Sylvia Hoeks as Queen Kane continues to ham it up with a interesting choice of pitch in her voice. I find myself laughing during some of her scenes because her acting is fine but I can never get used to her voice. Paris and Boots continue to hide around and don't really add anything to the episode but its only the first episode so we'll see what happens.

Overall the premiere to season 2 shows a lot of promise for epic bloodshed and political back-stabbing. Hopefully the show continues to move in unexpected directions instead of staying on a predictable course.
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