Supergirl: Dream Weaver (2021)
Season 6, Episode 9
A perfect setup episode, but brought down by a loose grasp on social issues
1 September 2021
This episode felt like the quintessential Supergirl episode, but a little better in a few ways.

Let me start with the good parts.

First of all, the Kelly/Dansen storyline was PERFECT. Their support and love for each other shines through the screen, and Leigh & Tesfai do a fantastic job of making sure that the audience sees how much their characters love each other. All throughout the episode, Alex is constantly supportive of Kelly, and it shows especially in the last scene of the episode. The promo stills for Episode 10 look like there's going to be a lot more of them to look forward to.

Tesfai is a particular delight in this episode, acting with grace and purpose. She brings character to Kelly through the smallest decisions that make the biggest impacts. Kelly's patience and kindness are a landmark of the show, and Tesfai's acting in the foster home solidify her skill at making her character shine. I won't spoil anything, but the way she treats the kids at the foster home gives a LOT to look forward to.

It's also wonderful to have Melissa Benoist back. Supergirl isn't really Supergirl without its titular character, and Benoist's return proves that. Kara's scenes with Kelly especially are fantastic, but her new friendly dynamic with William is also excellent, especially with the lack of a forced romance. Kara's decisions with Andrea are... not my favorite, but they're understandable. Looking forward to seeing a lot more of her.

Now onto my less favorite parts.

Social justice with this show is a hit or a miss. Often, they do try to shed light on important issues, but approach it from a watered-down and oversimplified view. It almost feels as if they believe every problem can be solved with a Supergirl hope speech--including racial incarceration problems in this episode. The way they allude alien discrimination to racism makes sense, but it's irresponsible of them to say that Kara faces as much discrimination as, say, an alien who presents as a Black man. Once again, I won't spoil anything, but I will say I'm disappointed with the way these issues were handles in this episode.

In addition, Lena's absence is really felt hard during this episode. I appreciate that they refer to her to at least show they haven't forgotten about her, but her interactions with Kara are quite a big part of what makes this show great, and there's definitely something missing from this episode. And after what happened with her and Kara in the last season, you would expect her to stick around a little more and spend time with her best friend (or... possibly more than a friend?). Hoping she's not gone for too long, since the audience should be looking forward to seeing her soon.

Lastly, though the episode is called Dream Weaver, there really isn't much Nia in there, aside from a messy C-plot thrown in about her and Nyxly. In general, her plot feels randomly thrown in, which is not at all how it should be. Hoping she gets more time next week.

All in all, quite a decent episode. It definitely has its flaws, but compared to especially last season, it does sit above the rest, particularly because of Tesfai's fantastic performance. They've laid the ground for some really great storylines, if they're able to follow through properly. I'm cautiously looking forward to next week's episode.
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