Cervantes contra Lope (2016 TV Movie)
A peculiar recreation by means of interviews about real confrontation between Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra and Lope de Vega
1 September 2021
This is a fiction/documentary TV movie set in 1614 about a modern television team moved to interview Cervantes (Emilio Gutierrez Caba) , Lope de Vega y Carpio (José Coronado) and the people around them , such as : Luis de Gongora , Francisco de Quevedo , Gerónimo de Pasamonte , Catalina Salazar , among others . Both of whom are deemed to be two of the most influencial writers of literature from the Golden Age . Depicting their periods of lucidity , confrontation , discussion , criticism and madness. It is the moment of the publication of Avellaneda's apocryphal Don Quixote De La Mancha and Miguel de Cervantes is very angry due to it , while he's writing the second part Don Quixote . This picture introduces a voice in off describing events and delves into the twisted plot about Avellaneda's actual identity and, incidentally, defines Cervantes and Lope de Vega as two intelligent characters, but with plenty of distrust and permanently confronted .

This is a documentary/fictitious film about a 21st-century television team to interview various historical characters and dealing with the confrontation between two of the most famous writers - real geniuses- of Spanish literature at the beginning of the 17th century . As in this mockumentary is relived both famous and prestigious writers : the extremely dissatisfied Miguel de Cervantes and Lope de Vega , showing their intense confrontation and insecurities , while their thunderous disputes exploding with all its force. It is paced in enjoyable as well as deliberate rhythm, however the films tends to be a little boring due to continuous interviews . And relying heavily on the various interviews , certain confusion and mixing reenacting along wih documentary without order . A peculiar film , at the same time are reenacted some episodes about the immortal vintage novel Don Quixote , considered to be the best literary work ever written that stands in an unique position between the modern novel and medieval chivalric romance . This is a blending of recreation of the interviews to Cervantes , Lope and other roles , adding documentary scenes about life of the main characters . There are several documentary scenes including : recreation of episodes of Don Quixote novel as Ginès de Pasamonte and other prisoners are freed from their chains , Cervantes captivity in Algiers for five years , his fight at battle Lepanto 1571 along with Ginés de Pasamonte , where he's nicknamed the Lepanto's one-armed , and under command Juan De Austria in which at the behest of Pope Pio V is joined Republic of Venice , Malta and Spanish Empire , defeating the Turks , as well as his wife Catalina Salazar who is also interviewed , amond others .Cerventes was even accused as a pimp with the ¨Cervantas¨ and besides , being imprisoned , that's why he's framed of illegality during his period as a tax collector. Equally , concerning prolific playwright and poet Felix Lope De Vega y Carpio who also suffered a tumultuous life, having seventeen children and joined the priesthood as well . The taking of holy orders did not , however, impede his romantic dalliances, although it is somewhat unclear what role his employer a notorious duke , fearful of losing his secretary, played in this by supplying him with various female companions . The most notable and lasting of his relationships during this time was with Micaela de Luján, an illiterate but beautiful actress, who inspired a rich series of sonnets and rewarded him with four children and Marta De Nevares, who would remain with him until her death in 1632. Further tragedies followed in 1635 with the loss of Lope, his son, and a worthy poet in his own right, in a shipwreck off the coast of Venezuela, and the abduction and subsequent abandonment of his beloved youngest daughter Antonia.

The motion picture was well directed by Manuel Huerga but packing some flaws , while including a tiring narrator who tells the happenings. This good work was made for television by Manuel Huerga, though it turns out to be a combination of fictitious and documentary , being paced in fits and starts and feels disjointed . Huerga is a fine director who has made nice films as Salvador (Puig Antich) (2006) and Antártida (1995) but he often shoots documentary and TV films such as : Pepe & Rubianes , 14 d'abril Macià contra Companys , Operación Malaya, Neruda en el corazón , Miguel Barcelo, among others .
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