Review of Finding You

Finding You (2020)
I'm a guy and I'm not into romance movies
2 September 2021
(unless they are really good, like Roman Holiday). So at the first 10min of this movie I was like "Uugh" another BS teenie romance; also I didn't like the 2 protagonists.

But then I kept watching and the film changed my mind. Simply because the story is good. It's basically a romance, but with many subplots and each of them is interesting and woven into the love story, so that the success of each little story depends on the main plot. That is so obvious that it's kind of a new take.

The movie certainly is aimed at younger audiences, so if you are a girl or into romance or just wanna relax or maybe watch a movie where you can turn off your brain for a while (I'm not saying it's a stupid movie), then give it a shot, for that I would recommend it.

(The real rating would be 7/10, but since the movie is underrated and quite entertaining I gave it a 8.)
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