Review of Lady Vic

Titans: Lady Vic (2021)
Season 3, Episode 6
An Episode Without Ryan Potter...
5 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
... is like a day without sunshine.

Really, Potter makes the show. Without him, I'd probably forget this show was 'Titans' instead of 'Nightwing and His Amazing But Useless Friends". Orpin is good, but they don't give Conner anything to do. Kory has gone from the alien waif of the comics, to the "Give Dick the Occasional Hard Talk" hard-ass of the series.

And we get more of Iain Glen as Batman. Yes, he's out of work otherwise and probably glad of the money they toss at him to show up from time to time.

Tim Drake wanders in after five episodes. Remember him being hassled by the cops, back in episode 1? The production staff did, finally.

Kimberly Sue-Murray is okay at Lady Vic. But she's also represents one of the main problems with Season 3 so far. SHE"S A NIGHWING VILLAIN!!. Crips, Vic couldn't even take down Barbara this episode. The character here seems better than the little I've seen of the comic book version. And like Kory, they lost the stripperific costume.

But this is the Titans that have fought Trigon and Deathstroke. Lady Vic should be like a gnat to them. If Kory or Conner or Rachel (where is she?) ever fought Vic, or even Gar, they'd splatter her like road kill on 'American Horror Story'. As much as I like the Bat Family, I'm not watching 'Titans' to see Barbara Gordon fight Lady Vic.

What was the point of putting Conner on the show? He's as fast as Flash, and even half as powerful as Superman makes him invulnerable and as we see in this episode, gives him super-hearing. Cripes, Krypto is as powerful as Conner. And the dog has disappeared entirely. Instead we get thrilling shots of Conner and Gar cooking, and Kory washing dishes. Is this 'Titans' or 'Kitchen Nightmare'? This doesn't make the Titans look very good. Setting aside "A hero is only as good as this enemy", the fact that Starfire can reduce German thugs to ash statues but doesn't get to lay a finger on Vic or Red Hood, makes Starfire look like a punk who bullies far weaker opponents.

If the production staff couldn't deal with Conner's power levels, here's an idea: DON'T PUT HIM ON THE SHOW. But they did, so they must have had an idea of how he's fit in. Right?

That's why Blackfire, like Gar, is a breath of fresh air. Blackfire because, like her or hate her, she GETS THINGS DONE! In this episode, while Kory and Conner are wandering around Gotham looking for Blackfire, and Dick is breaking into GCPD, Blackfire is actually talking to street thugs and busting heads. Off-screen, granted, but that's better than cooking and dishwashing.

We're six episodes in, and the Crane/Red Hood/Gotham story ending seems nowhere in sight. So I don't hold out much hope for the back half of season 3. The presence of Donna and Rachel on the season poster notwithstanding.

But that's just my opinion, I could be wrong. What do you think?
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