One Day (2011)
Not much of a "love story"- more like a "lose story".
6 September 2021
This film gets three stars for being reasonably engaging, pretty, and well-made. BUT! I didn't care much for the characters and found their relationship rather annoying.

This is basically a movie where the lead characters spend the whole time stringing each-other along while living their romantic lives with people other than each-other for most of the time- while simultaneously always going on and on about how great each-other is! I found myself yelling at the TV!! Why do people do that to each-other?!

If you're two people of the opposite sex who love one-another and want to share all your thoughts and feelings with each-other before anyone else, unless one or both of you are gay, then guess what dumb-dumb, that's the person for you! So, stop beating around the freakin' bush and just get together already, geez!!!! But no, these two people would rather waste their time first, and then get together after breaking a few hearts in the process. So not cool to me!

The only time the kind of behavior exhibited by the lead characters makes sense is when one or both is gay, then a close connection between two people of the opposite sex denying a romance with each-other is justifiable, otherwise it's just downright dishonest and unfair! If anything, the moral of this story is that heterosexual men and women CANNOT and SHOULD NOT be "best friends", because it's a ruse and emotionally confusing, not to mention hurtful.

I like my love-stories where the people are up front about it from the start and none of this silly rule-making and game-playing. Don't get me wrong, I love a slow-burn romance- IF it's a romance! But, when the two people involved deny that they are in a romance in the first place, that really kills the buzz for me. And then there's the end of this dreary mess, which was a killer too, to say the least!

This movie was recommended to me as a great example of a twin-flame/soulmate love story. But, that is not what I saw! No, this is not much of a "love story"- more like a "lose story".
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