Dirty Money: The Wagon Wheel (2020)
Season 2, Episode 1
Wells Fargo (Old News)
6 September 2021
At best Im glad to see some people getting some form of justice. None of the information in this video is new. I worked in banking from the late 70s to the early 90s. I was acquired by Barnett Bank in 1982 during the nightmare mergers of the 1980s. Charles E Rice was the CEO. Most know he was and alcoholic and died after he got drunk fell in his own pool and drown. I believe he invented this Cross Selling services they talk about. I still have a coaster with it on it. The horrible circumstances that went on in Barnett at my time was unbelievable. It was constant hiring and firing. A teller line would completely be replaced in a years period We are talking about a branch that had 17 tellers. How I lasted 10 years I dont know. But, unfortunately due to my out dated upbringing...you didnt just quit with out another job. How do you land another job working 5 and one half days a week Twelve hours a day. No lunch. No law says we need to give you a lunch. Unquote. I actually went to Publix Supermarkets credit union. I worked for them for four years previous in their stores as a teen and student. The person that interviewed me asked me why on earth I would want to leave Barnett to come back to Publix? The managers I worked for at Barnett were unbelievable. I was in a robbery hostage situation on October 31 1989. It was a terrifying experience for everyone. The whole thing was a set up by my previous demoted Senior Vice President Marilyn Livingston. It was all hushed up ..we got no compensation. Today the bank would have had a multimillion dollar lawsuit. I regret this did not happen. Marilyn was not prosecuted. Because she was a woman. A man would have gone to prison. She was just run out of town. The inhuman threats made to me by other managers were monumental compared to what these employees describe. Yvonne Loggins Coleman was unbelievable she actually threatened me with termination if she caught me not smiling. I am so glad some justice was received by the Wells Fargo Again nothing in this video is new it started in the Reagan 80s to supposedly save the economy from the so called retched 70s. I still hear those nonsense cross selling meetings in my head...sell more services and have more fun....yeah right...dont work harder work smarter...who makes up this brain washing nonsense? Charles E Rice is dead...nothing can be done but his family is spending well...his wife was quoted then ...saying he was at the bank or home...with his money Im sure a hired employee made the runs to the liquor store.
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