There, but for the Grace of God, go I ...
6 September 2021
This is a wonderful movie! Really. It's not a 'Blockbuster" by today's standards, but it IS extremely heartwarming, well acted, and you-never-know-what's-going-to happen-next type film. Sure, most of us have money, now, to buy groceries and essentials, but what if that all changed?

With such a bumbling potato-head in the WH, right now, who knows what can happen? This film depicts life in the 1930's. For many of you who don't remember that era, or if your 'History Book' conveniently left that part of our recent heritage out -- this was after the Great Depression -- hardly anyone had anything. My parents grew up in that era, and they made their way through it; but they didn't talk about it much.

This film depicts that era. If 'Something Happened', and grocery store shelves were empty and/or you had no money -- or your money was worthless, what would YOU do? How long could you really survive on your pitiful stockpile of "Prepper supplies"? It's worth thinking about.

Watch this movie. Yes there is camaraderie among relative strangers, also fights, trouble with the Law -- however, it all comes out OK -- and it's worth your time to view this film!

I hope to God that part of our History does NOT repeat itself; but NEXT TIME be more careful who you vote for -- AND be far MORE careful about who counts the Votes!!!!!! Oh, and get out of your comfy easy chair -- and GET INVOLVED with politics and governance at your LOCAL levels too!!!
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