Hold Up! Let Me Explain...
8 September 2021
Ok so, this movie has a lot of hate coming at it and I feel a lot of it is undeserved. It's already got a couple of strikes against it out of the gate. One, it's found footage and this is not a particularly well liked or received genre. However, it's very inexpensive to make, so they keep dishing them out. Second, they tried the old Blair Witch trick about being real and true when it's not and people are only gonna roll with that once, and be insulted when someone tries to do it again. Third, this movie is very incorrectly categorized. To call it a horror, action thriller when it's barely even one of those is gonna make people mad going in expecting to see a movie of that caliber and categories and this is very far from that.

I'd almost be ready to just call this movie a comedy, cause honestly it's funny as hell and the chemistry with the main three is better than in a lot of other movies. If you go into this movie expecting to see a horror/comedy FF then I think you'll enjoy this a lot more.

That being said, be prepared that this is shot and the original "story" was set to be a documentary. In this instance, more of a "mockumentary." So, it's a documentary/really mockumentary with all the "behind the scenes" film included, comedy, that turns horror in the end. That's what it should've been categorized as. Anyone who says this was stupid and not funny, or found no humor in it at all, has no sense of humor and clearly has a stick up their butt that probably needs surgical removal before they can and will enjoy life.

I only went 10*, cause while this actually has pretty smooth and nice filming for being a found footage film, it's not a perfect 10* movie, sorry. I did it to offset all the bunk 1* star reviews from the close minded haters that gave this movie unfair 1* reviews that it didn't deserve. In reality it's about a 6/7 * movie.

So, hope this helps, just prepare yourself for what this really is and I think you'll enjoy it a lot more, until next time, keep rolling.
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