Hill Street Blues: Freedom's Last Stand (1982)
Season 2, Episode 11
A winning combination of humor and drama.
10 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Frank again takes the witness stand during the Sullivan Commissions' investigation into police corruption, and more than ever he's getting sick and tired of the whole thing. Yes, maybe what he's doing, keeping Officer Delgado (Jerome Thor) on the payroll despite the fact that the man is beyond hope, can be seen as a violation of rules. But this is really such a minor thing; all it shows is Franks' loyalty to his fellow law officers and a desire to do right by them.

Meanwhile, Henry dresses in drag to help catch criminals who are purse-snatching. After a serious brawl with a punk, Henry ends up bloody and beaten, but actually finds himself energized by the experience. Lucy represents Hill Street in a high-stakes poker game. And Dennis Dugan makes his final appearance as the beloved Captain Freedom when the Captain makes the fateful move of attempting to stop some armed robbers.

An example of an effective comedic touch is when J. D. approaches a young female customer at a drugstore, intending to come on to her, and receives a most amusing surprise. Also, Fay is angry when Frank Jr. Apparently finds an under-garment of Joyces' at Franks' place.

Here we see once again just what a commanding actor Daniel J. Travanti can be as Frank lets people such as lawyer Donald Peck (James O'Sullivan) know what he thinks of them, and is so infuriated with the slimy Chief Daniels (Jon Cypher) that he's ready to hand in his badge and gun. But Joyce (the always wonderful Veronica Hamel) typically has solid advice to give him during their various tender moments together.

The concluding moments contain some of the most upsetting moments in the series to date, as we bid a fond farewell to the deluded but endearing Captain Freedom. It's too bad that Dugan mostly left acting behind to concentrate on directing. Betty Thomas is also fantastic in this episode as Lucy appreciates Joe for standing by her.

This episode also features familiar character actors such as John Karlen, Scott Paulin, and Troy Evans. It's typically "arresting" entertainment.

Eight out of 10.
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