10 September 2021
Writer/Editor/Actor/Director Tom Graeff's One-Man-Show is an Easy Target for Arm-Chair Ghouls to Pick its Bones Clean.

But Like the Films of Ed Wood there is Something Here that Resonates. It seems to come from the Heart and is Honestly Earnest in its Intent to Entertain and Enlighten and all on the Budget of a 1960 Chevrolet Bel-Air.

The Look of the Movie Belies its Amateur Status. The Photography is Crisp and Clean, the Sets are Functionally Factored, and the Acting, well, the Acting cannot be Described as anything but On the Job Training.

The Film is Edited with a Fast Pace and a Feel for the Fearful Story of an Alien Takeover of Earth to Convert the Planet into a Grazing Globe for Their Food Source, Giant Lobsters.

The Nazi-Like Visitors are Dead-Panned Determined, but one of Them has "Read a Book" and Discovers the Evil of Their Ways.

The Highlight of the Movie is the Aliens "Disintegration Ray Guns" that Burns the Flesh from the Bones and there is a Lot of Bone Burning. That Special Effect is Effectively Efficient. The Landing of the Spacecraft SFX is also a Mysterious Effervescent Curiosity.

Overall, Entertaining and Endlessly Fascinating Combination of a Backyard Production that in the End is quite an Accomplishment.

A Ton of Fun.
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