10 September 2021
This Early 50's Sci-Fi Entry Started as a Big-Picture in Widescreen and Color with Richard Carlson in the Lead.

A Serious Film about the Dangers to Astronauts and the Alternative of A. I. or Robots Replacing the Human Pilots.

But as Money was not Forthcoming, it Devolved into a Boy and His Robot Picture with a Script that was Changed to Included "Gosh" and "Gee-Whillikers" and "I just gotta see Tobor, I just gotta", from a Precocious 11 year old (Billy Chapin), Grandson of the Inventor. An Absent Minded Professor (Taylor Holmes).

The Professor's Assistant and Father Figure (Charles Drake) is Never Far from the Kid (nicknamed "Gadge" sheesh) when things get Dangerous. Karin Booth is the Mother and Wears the Obligatory 50's Dress Up with Pearls.

The Plot, after a few False Starts with "Tobor" causing some Domestic Destruction with "Gadge" at the Controls and is Laughed Off as Boys will be Boys, turns more Serious with Communist Spies Infiltrating the Proceedings.

"Tobor" is put through some Training Exercises and shows some Proficiency but Not Without some "Human" Emotion seeping into its Circuits.

He Bonds with "Gadge" Telepathically (ESP is also touched on as a mode of control), and when the Boy and the Professor are Kidnapped "Tobor" is on the Hunt.

The Hostage Scenes are a bit Brutal for a Kids Movie.

Overall, the Good Looking, Sleek, Metallic, and Glass Robot is Low-Budget Impressive with its Determined if sometimes Clunky Adventures around the House/Laboratory and off to Rescue "Gadge" and the Professor.

Worth a Watch for what it is and Not for what it is Not......GREAT POSTER.
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