Great episode with a couple of nitpicks
10 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This is a riveting conclusion of the 2 part story. Albert is feeling massive guilt and grief over killing Mary's baby. (well he did) and while in a store he spots a music box that plays the same haunting lullaby that Mary was humming over and over in her catatonic grief over the loss of her baby and Albert thinks this would be the perfect thing to give to her. Why?!

The song would only remind her of the loss even more. It's like shoving it in her face and is actually the worst thing in the world to give to her in her state.

When he brings it to her and opens the box to play the music, the memory of that night washed over and she completely loses it and becomes unhinged. Idiot Albert can't understand why she doesn't love it and starts crying and yelling how he's sorry and he didn't mean it. It was such a heartless gift to give her, but seeing her lose it makes him run away like a typical Ingalls child. You know he learned that from Laura lol.

The other nitpick is Mary. We get a lingering close up of her in bed during her freak out, and are treated to her eyelashes that are heavily made up with mascara. This character would certainly not care about putting on mascara in the state she was in.

Those lashes are so full of the gunk that it's difficult to ignore. The makeup department should've kept her face clear of obvious makeup to stay true to the character's immense grief.

Mary would not have put that on herself, and I highly doubt someone else would have put it on her while she was sleeping. Caroline was another one because we also get treated to a close up of her beautifully manicured fingernails and a farmer's wife like Caroline would not have nails like that. With all her work on the farm and cooking and cleaning, manicured nails like that would be a big hindrance.

It's still a great episode even though I forever hated Albert after this. I never liked him to begin with, but killing Mary's baby was unforgivable and I was glad that he died himself by the end of the series. I hope Alice and the baby were the first to greet his murdering butt at the pearly gates.
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