The Rookies: Prelude to Vengeance (1974)
Season 3, Episode 8
Webster is targeted by an assassin again
12 September 2021
This one is about a crazed wacko who tries to kill Webster because he thinks Webster is going out with his girlfriend.

This is an exciting and action-packed episode with a lot of tension and suspense and a couple of nice shootouts too.

This is the third episode already this season where Webster is targeted by an assassin. I think it's safe to say that story line has been exhausted at this point and it's time to move on to something else.

Andrew Robinson is the perfect choice to play Kempson, the assassin. He really excels at playing creepy maniacs and this time is no exception. He played the serial killer that went up against Clint Eastwood in the original Dirty Harry movie. Ronne Troup is terrific as Laurie Scott, Kempson's boyfriend. It's quite an emotional performance and she really nails it.

Of course, as usual the weakness is Ryker, who once again was talking about his ulcers and was yelling and barking out orders and just acting like an all-around jerk. I really can't stand this guy.

Another thing I didn't like is when Laurie's parents stated at the end that they changed their mind about Laurie because Ryker came by and talked to them. Anyone in their right mind would have thrown that grouch out on his ear if he was ranting and raving like he always does and it's unrealistic anyone would sit and listen to his nonsense in their own home, so I just didn't buy this.

Owens is absent from this one except for a brief appearance in the opening scene.

So overall, this is a really good episode.
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