Fizzle ending
13 September 2021
Without any spoilers... I would have given this series more stars if it had offered a more imaginative and better ending. That was the major flaw of this otherwise well-done series. As it was, they lose stars in this review just for the sloppy ending.

Koreans seem to really know how to tell a story. The characters in this are definitely not 2 dimensional cliche; each offers a major plot element in the story, with several unexpected plot twists. They did really well at keeping the viewer surprised.

Be prepared for some gore-- this is after all a hotel for the dead. Also be aware there are a LOT of Korean spiritual elements in this, including ghosts, eternal souls, and reincarnation. I wouldn't recommend this for children, on several counts. (For one thing, some scenes will likely scare the blazes out of them and give them nightmares.)

This series gets the viewer emotionally involved and holds attention throughout. It's too bad they just left viewers hanging in the last episode. It doesn't exactly make sense and doesn't provide an ending promised by otherwise excellent plot twists. I can think of about half a dozen ways to have ended this-- all better that what they slopped out in the last 10 minutes. (Viewer reviews had the same complaint with Memories of the Alhambra-- a riveting tale that just sort of dropped the ending in the viewer's laps).

I am reminded of the TV series LOST; some people just loved the ending, but the vast majority of viewers hated it. Writers and directors really should work to do a better job of sinking that final putt. If they're going to go to the trouble of making a series this interesting, at least tie up the package properly.
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