These Characters Deserved to be Cursed
13 September 2021
Ok so, this movie potentially maybe could've been promising and good, but the three mains are so unlikable and despicable you just end up hating yourself for watching the movie and them even more for ruining it. That being said, there's 2 guys and a gal btw, the girl is tolerable for awhile but eventually falls in line with being disliked like the other two. In fact if anything, you feel bad for her being stuck with these two loser wastes of human excrement.

So for starters, this a found footage so automatically that means shaky garbage camera work and stupid tired excuses for why they have it on 24/7. This genre of horror is cheap to make so it gets abused severely by wanna be horror movie makers. These movies could be tolerable if the characters and scripts weren't so awful to go along with the cheap garbage camera work.

Onto the crappy characters. Kevin, long hair and beard stereotype stoner, just also happens to be a kleptomaniac. So, not only does he steal stuff throughout the entire movie, he then has the nerve to try and justify why he did it when he gets caught, which isn't hard because he shows off his stolen items each and every time. He sadly doesn't die fast enough.

Now Aaron, if you ever needed an example of the most two faced, pessimistic, whiney cry baby, then look no further than this guy. He complains about everything! Then pouts about it, then complains some more, then talks trash, then when he's actually talking to your face directly, says the opposite. I'm sure we all have met or know someone like this and avoid them as much as possible. Sadly, can't avoid this guy, he's a main character and always present in the movie.

Last, Lena, ever optimistic and sort of naive you feel sorry for her but at some point, you're waiting for her to wake up and get a clue, but she never really does, which is annoying.

It's just a sad, pathetic attempt at a movie which sadly is based on a true story yet, does the story no justice and completely ignores why the true story is well known in this area of Canada and remembered so long after it happened.
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