Real Lord Greystoke
14 September 2021
I bought this Tarzan serial 16 years ago, it was time for me to discover Herman Brix, quite handsome, expressive in the efforts with sharp glances when observing danger. He's the real Greystoke, speaking English, it's not surprising as it was produced by Burroughs Tarzan Enterprises Inc., the original author. The print I saw was absolutely not restored, it didn't matter, I was hypnotised by charismatic Herman Brix, fighting wildly against dozens of natives and lions and panthers. Shot in Guatemala, in jungle and seaside, there are strong violent scenes like this awsome shooting with machine gun against natives (did you see it, Sam?). Maybe a better director than cinematographer Edward Kull would have improved direction. The only bad surprise is Tarzan's scream, it seems in the middle he's been hit with a hammer, finally finishing singing a yodel, but it's the yell used in a previous Tarzan radio serial from 1932. Last bad surprise on the DVD extras, I didn't find the Vincent Sherman interview.
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