Line of Duty: The Probation (2012)
Season 1, Episode 5
If this is the best of British writing......,
15 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers's going to be easy for the archeologists to locate Bill Shakespeare's final resting place. His spinning will be raising a geological disturbance that will dwarf Karakatoa.

This guy Gates destroys evidence, tampers with evidence, intimidates investigators on his own team, and conspires with organized criminals to commit assault. Murder, drug trafficking, and money laundering. But we're supposed to believe he wasn't a bent copper? If he wasn't, I would hate to see what a real bent copper would do. As if a copper driving a Jag isn't enough of a tipoff.....

And the main protagonist, an anti corruption investigator (who would be more believable cast as an English lit teacher in a school for the mentally challenged) who has been pursuing him doggedly throughout the series trying desperately (and failing) to come off as a tough, principled reformer, turns around in the final episode to be standing with Gates. Supposedly because Gates saved his life from the drug dealers. When it was Gates who gave him up to the drug dealers to begin with. Absurd to the point of being ridiculous.

The best part of this entire series is when Gates gets flattened into a greasy spot in the road by a truck. That at least was satisfying.

I'm gonna try watching season 2. But if it isn't much, much better by the second episode, I'm going to throw the entire thing in the trash where season 1 belongs.

Horrid. I would give it less than one star if I could.
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