Synapse (2021)
Mind-blowing Psychological Thriller with Ample Action
16 September 2021
This is a strangely nuanced little movie that I wonder if it will ever find it's true audience. It's on some streaming services and I decided to watch it with my woman this weekend. I did read some of the reviews and was surprised to see such division between fans and those who don't like this movie.

I will admit I was a but lost for the first 2/3 of the movie, but the action and pacing kept me involved. I like movies with a lot of gunplay and a few jokes along the way like John Woo movies or nearly every Statham movie. But then: BOOM! Things start coming together at the end of the second act and things start making a ton of sense.

I know this isn't the first movie or story that delves into the idea of reality vs. The perception of reality (eg. The Matrix (just the first one, lol), Inception, What Dreams May Come and others), but I can't say I've found something like this before. It's kind of dark and sometimes a little startling, but has mainstream sensibilities. Hard to explain.

Sure, not everything in it is "perfect," but what indie movie, let alone a big budget movie is? I actually went back and watched it a second time a day later and the story has so many weird little details that get dropped along the way, I'll probably need rent it again in a few weeks to try and understand it better. It kind of sticks to you.

Overall though, I can't comprehend the hate from other reviewers on here. Perhaps they know and dislike the filmmaker or some of the actors in this movie? Sour grapes? Who knows?

For me, I really just enjoyed it and am glad I found it.
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