Incredibly bad
18 September 2021
Two brothers stumble across a hidden cave. Intrigued by a small opening from the entrance they manage to go further into the cave. Initially this is all a thrilling adventure but things turn sinister when they realise there's something down there, something that may have been responsible for their father's death.

Incredibly bad. The basic plot had potential, reminding me of 'The Descent' but from the start things fall apart: plot is incredibly flimsy, acting is atrocious, production values are poor.

There is some intrigue about what is waiting for the cave but once that is encountered, horror clichés abound. Just about every cheesy plot device and piece of dialogue is used in an very predictable and dull ending.

There's even a segment of the one brother just yelling "Charlie!" for several minutes. Beyond dull, it was irritating.
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