Mukhosh (2021)
18 September 2021
Being the official retelling of Anjaam Pathiraa; the possibilities were enormous. Even though I haven't seen the original by myself; I only heard good things about it. So finally when the announcement of this Bengali remake came into the open; I was thrilled. Little did I know, I was to regret my over-excitement.

Inefficient; yes, that's the most accurate term I can use to recapitulate my exact feelings. From the Screenplay to its character set-ups; everything felt unskillful and somewhat rudimentary in a sense. Thus making it a highly disappointing session from a viewer's standpoint.

Talking of setbacks, why stick to the same PG-13 stuff? It's high time the creators embrace the full-blown glory of Blood and Gore. And looking at this story, in particular; it demanded those anyways. That being said, the technical sides aren't half bad. In contrast, I completely admire the Cinematography and the scalability of the Score.

Speaking of Performances; it's decent. No means exceptional, but collectively they do a pretty good job. It's again the Writing that makes the situation much more difficult. A script that needed nothing but competent characterization, was deprived of the same. Therefore, not producing the much-desired output!
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