Read the cringy (and clearly false) 10/10 reviews and you will understand why this movie is not very good.
18 September 2021
I legitimately have second-hand embarrassment from these 10/10 reviews.

"I was cackling, crying and so invested." No you weren't

"We lived, laughed, and loved." Similar wording as previous review

"Authentic Millennial Fairy-tale" People speak like that? In real life? Out loud?

"When Harry Met Sallry for the Millenial Generation?" no lol

"18-25 year old will love this" That's a very specific age range

"I, like most 18-35 year old movie viewers" We'll see if you really speak for them when actual genuine reviews start coming in.

"The perfect movie for anyone in the 18-35 year old demographic!" Mentioning that demo AGAIN.

It gets better "Me and my very large & diverse group of 18-35 year old friends" haha you loooove mentioning that demo.

"A Must Watch for Millennial and Gen-Z Viewers!" You can feel the desperation.

"A TRIUMPH FOR ALL DEMOGRAPHICS!" Oh we've expanded on the demo now

"I saw this film with several of my 18-35 year old friends" Oh we're back to the specific demo

"This work of art is an honest representation of life that me and all of my (millennial/gen-z) friends have been craving to see in the age of technology and swiping right." Word vomit

The words "authentic" and "millennial" are used over and over again.

One username is literally "millennial_queen" and only has 1 review lol.

Thanks for the laughs, and by that I mean the sad, sad reviews and not the movie itself, which was horrid.
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