Review of Dr. Phil

Dr. Phil (2002–2023)
Money-grubbing Freakshow Masquerading as a Doctor
19 September 2021
What Therapy is: -confidential, a tool to help vulnerable people process their trauma

What Therapy is not: -a man who takes shouts at vulnerable people on national television, breaking them down, 'putting them in their place', taking sides in a conflict to craft a narrative, a clown who brings his wife on the show to shill makeup. On 'Dr. Phil' you speak when spoken to, take humiliation like a good girl, and tell the audience you are grateful for the 'tough love'.

Phil justifies parading mental health issues on television by claiming that the real healing happens at 'the Ranch'- a prison camp type of institution that traumatized survivors want to have shut down.

Phil McGraw is vile and real psychotherapists cannot stand him. He gives a bad name to Oprah Winfrey by extension. P. S. : look up the reviews on Glassdoor of people who worked on the show, he's a despot.
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